
"Oh shit - you're actively breaking it off"

Yes, dear. Not like a storm that calms while I'm sleeping

Or like the sleep that caught me while weeping 

I'm saying goodbye. I'm closing the door. 


Good night, good night - a thousand times good night

36 months and my heart left ajar

And just a step away -  no matter how far. 

But I come prepared, I come determined - 

I close the door and I close the curtains. 


I'm done I'm done I'm done! 

With you! With Us! With what could have would have should have been

See - I've said it three times and now the curse shall be lifted

The blessing you gave, the moments you gifted

The love that I felt, the pain that has shifted

All that I am, all that I hoped

I am not left ajar - I have closed the door.