I saw the storm long coming
And thought I will enjoy
The tingling on the windows
The calling of the void
calmly I embraced
A blast so hard it shook
my walls and roof to their foundation
And there the calm was took
Did I, in stupid faith
Believe my house could stand
A storm so strong, so whimsical
It turns all stone to sand?
But I believe in time
And that this storm will pass
And after rain, will come the sun,
- my time to pray and `fess.
Confess that storms don’t frighten
This silly, stupid heart
My house has stood them hurricanes
Some floods and their departs.
Call them burglars, looters, tricksters -
My god I’ve seen them all
And still my house stands strong as ever
my trees stand proud and tall.
I saw your storm long coming
your thunder and your light
And though you caused some havoc here
I said I wouldn’t fight
I wouldn’t shut the door
And windows weren’t covered
In fact I took my seeing glass
the storm, he is my lover.
I saw him tremble, flood and light
The distant and the close
he was confused as where to rest
forgot it's me he chose.
My heart, my house - all open
come in my beloved storm
I know you will live inside me
since that's where you were born.