their whisper and giggles, a finger pointed at me
I didn't know that my rucksack wasn't fashionably
I begged for months, there where home used to be
and now, Mom, they're making fun of me!
I said something funny, at least 'tis what I thought
cruel was their laugh, while with tears I fought
They hurt me bad, when noone's there
they push'n pinch'n punch'n swear!
I try to fit in, Mom, I try so hard
but day by day they keep on breaking my heart
I'm the last one they choose and pretend not to care
but when we play games, they never play fair.
Is it my height? My hair? My voice? My face?
My clothes? My Bag? My pencil-case?
What can I change, what shall I do?
To be a part of that damn group!
I'm tired of trying to fit in and be strong
I can't feel home somewhere I don't belong
one day, perhaps, soon will it be
I can celebrate just being me.
and here I stand, alive and safe
I didn't have to play the brave
I guess, Mom, you were not that wrong,
what didn't kill just made me strong.
Kommentar schreiben
Digital Silk Road 2013 Relationships (Mittwoch, 12 März 2014 11:27)
The Info in the blog is out of this world, I so want to read more.