silence after laughter
your lungs empty, grasping for reconciling
breath. your body - there a shake
they told the story different!
being brave and unique is the key
for someone just as brave and unique
to stumple upon and chose you.
Time is wiser and harsher
brave is stupidity, unique a madness.
To sell well you must be a good for mass
teaches economy, supply and demand
must meet at equilibrium.
There's no demand for my product and
I charge far too much.
I'm all these heroines mixed in one body
an artificial artefact of mediatric
hypocrisy of what ideal and interesting is.
My wit is fake, self esteem acted.
The more I commit to fake the realer I could become
but hopefully one day a change is gonna come
Hope is for those sitting in a room
folding their hands together, practising magic thoughts.
It's a joke. My handshake is firm, my glance steady,
now that I have your attention allow me to implode
and unfold the main character of my skeletton
vulnerable and fucking broken bones.
I'm only half as strong and double as scared
as what I pretend to be
I'm strong when alone
and insecure when in company.
My love's been raped and mutilated
a hundred times before, and you think
you can safe it? I've burnt all
the remains already but the
traces are my limbs.
please you're not dumb enough to wait for a saviour
or love, it was just a joke.
Calm down.
Now tilt your head back and laugh
laugh as loud as your lungs permit,
do not anticipate for the....
Kommentar schreiben
Rehan (Samstag, 29 Dezember 2012 15:54)
<a href="">Garbo Laughs</a>
Masticating Juicer (Freitag, 26 April 2013 20:48)
This is a great article! Thanks for sharing with us!