my water has come dirty
as I drunk the last bit
and the floating particles show
here's an image of yourself
I've lost some time
and slept a life
through what I've known
as truth
I lived in rhyme
succumed to drive
the rocky road as shown
is smooth.
I think too much
and met my fears
a thought is foe
and friend alike
Here is my crutch
my seldom tears
in stop'n'go
with your strike.
I caught you in a moment
when you lost yourself in me
I'm nothing but a demon
of love and fear and heat.
yes, I'm afraid, my brain's a twisted knot
and often I'm confused, rarely I am not
I need you friend and lover, to save me from my brain
it catches me in vulnerable and sends me to more pain
but life is good, and you are better, just one more little kiss
so I forget these silly thoughts and believe in what there is.
Kommentar schreiben
Love Problem Solution by Moulana (Freitag, 27 Oktober 2017 15:05)
Easy and useful contents are usually helpful to readers and i think it is in your blog