
I am tired

of swiming

and decided to drown

Determination is 

a word

like my hands

are tied to time.


Drowning is to let go

inhale when it hurts the most

to go deeper than anyone else

and encounter demons never seen.


I swim against the stream

swallow rivers and creeks

my muscles hurt and bleed

I am ready to leave 

this old place.


I know 'tis a tired day-to-day

swimming against the stream.

But all waters beauty wait for me

 at the end of this journey.

I will end where no fish has ended,

at the beginning of all life.

Not on your plate

between your teeth 

and some saliva.


I am an up stream fish

and die where I began

hundred and hundred 

of days ago

never grew old

only wiser seeing everyone 

pass, follow and die in vain.


I am tired

but I will only rest

the day I die

when the stream takes me

down it's rough path. 





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  • #1

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