
I lost the time by watching you,
the growth and love you're putting through
your veins, and time you spent by leading
yourself- towards clouds and skies exceeding-
excites me, puts a spell on me,
and lets me stay so pleasantly,
lets me watch you everly,
like I have known you formerly.

Stop and stay was never mine,
too fond on freedoms fragile spine-
I did not feel the need of feet,
where ether and soil prefer to meet,
I thought that, that was made for trees,
or maybe endless going seas,
perhaps a freezing leading breeze-
things which make me feel at ease.

But ease is just a word for stay,
my predator had turned to prey-
freedom is an unknown babel!
My truth and ground another fable?
Where should I lead those addled feet?
Where to bring this lost belief?
Just to follow your kind heat,
escorted by soft body beat?!

Is this my heart I thought to be,
much bleaker than it seems to me
now? So fresh and new and kind of smooth-
instead of wings I'm growing roots-
as if I am a this tree I love,
which is you, growing above,
protect these scions for a while,
so I can grow as you are high.

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 4
  • #1

    AnGeLeS (Donnerstag, 18 November 2010 17:51)

    Que hermoso escribes, es un deleite leer estas líneas escritas por ti. Que tengas mucho éxito y felicidad en tu camino.

  • #2

    Augustine (Sonntag, 22 Juli 2012 04:28)

    Very good article i just submitted your website to stumble upon and also i bookmark your website in my pc for future visit

  • #3

    Timberland Scarpe (Freitag, 28 September 2012 10:52)

    Tutti questi lavori di concerto per creare una superficie morbida, è come camminare sulla spiaggia. Un ambiente instabile per le scarpe Timberland, ma anche per i vostri piedi, in modo che gli interessi di tutti, ho elencato sopra.

  • #4

    Rolf (Sonntag, 30 September 2012 08:08)

    Nice one info, thx