little soldiers don't please me at all.

my first and hopefully last ''risk'' game was such a traumatizing expirience, that it shall never come back to me again.

I like poker.

I like dices.

I don't like little soldiers.

So my ''risk'' adventure found its' ending on a cruel and bloody way... as I lost Scandinavia I knew I was going to lose everything, so my motivation (which has already been lost) decreased on killing flies.


I am not risky at all.


I like luck and fate.

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Scott (Mittwoch, 11 Juli 2012 17:52)

    Nice one info, thanks

  • #2

    Nike Shoes Online (Freitag, 28 September 2012 04:51)

    grand, durable, beyond, heroic, coherent and pure.